8 Phases of EMDR

EMDR Phases

It’s been an ongoing journey to figure out how to explain both the complexity and simplicity of EMDR therapy. Einstein said something to the effect of its not that he believed he was smarter, but that he could sit with a problem for longer. I’ve been reminding myself of that quote as a work on the problem of explaining to people how simple EMDR is, while being so scientifically and emotionally complicated. This infographic is one step in the right direction! It breaks down each phase in EMDR. Here are some keywords so better understand the graphic. 

Target = memory, emotion, imagined future, or whatever else is the thing we are working on. So many different things can be targets, but traditionally they are traumatic memories. 

BLS = bilateral stimulation. This is eye movements from left to right in a repeated fashion. There are different types of BLS. Eye movements, tactile (either using electronic tappers in your hand or someone tapping on you back and forth), or auditory using headphone. I typically use tappers. Some people use light bars for the eye movements. 

Somatic Symptoms = a physical manifestation of emotional pain. For example when our stomachs hurt when we are nervous, or head hurts when we get stressed. Our bodies react in all sorts of ways when our emotions need attention.

I hope this was helpful in understanding EMDR. I recommend anyone interested in EMDR to do their research. The more you know about EMDR and more prepared you are, the easier the process is. It’s a great way to overcome mental barriers and get past memories and beliefs that are keeping you from your potential. 

EMDRamanda jeldenemdr, therapy