How To Manage Stress - By Intern Sam

How to Manage Stress

Many people encounter stress, but don’t know how to cope with it in a healthy way. Having strategies for when you encounter a stressful event or situation is critical for your mental health. We can’t prevent stress, but we can prepare for it.

Relaxation Techniques: When you are feeling stressed try taking deep breaths and closing your eyes. Imagine yourself in a calm and peaceful environment (beach, forest, your room, etc.) You can also chant a mantra to yourself. A mantra is a word or phrase you say repeatedly to calm yourself when you are feeling overwhelmed. Another way to relax yourself is to find a hobby or activity you can do at home or work that can help relieve some of that pent up stress. Some good home activities are exercise, cooking, gardening, or crafting. For work, you may be able to take a small break and go for a walk. If you are stuck where you are, spending 5 minutes on your phone to read can be a great way to de-stress.

Physical Activity: Using exercise to relieve stress is one of the most effective ways to remove and prevent stress. Going on a brisk walk has life enhancing qualities. It can lower your stress levels and extend your lifespan. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins and hormones which can vary depending on the intensity of your workout. An example of this is when runners run for prolonged periods of time and reach a “runners high.” Studies also show that people who regularly exercise at least three times a week are less stressed than those who don’t.

Social support: Spending time with people you enjoy and who support you is a great way to relieve stress. It can take your mind off of something stressful and give you a chance to cool down. If you feel like you may be focusing too much on your job or your education and are not giving yourself enough time to turn your brain off and de- stress, make more time for your friends and family. This won’t only provide you with the opportunity to re-connect with people, but it also allows you time to relax and socialize.

Professional support:  Speaking to a counselor or a therapist is recommended if you’re experiencing chronic stress. Some professionals specialize in stress and anxiety and may offer strategies and treatments you were previously unaware of. If you are struggling to find a therapist a great resource is

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