Parent Survival Guide - By Intern Sam

parent survival guide

By Samuel Law

Covid-19 may be a disease of the body; however, it has also taken its toll on our mental fortitude and patience.  This “Covid Drain” while normal and completely expected, is still very hard to live with. It can feel as though every day is the same and that there is nothing worth looking forward to in our everyday lives. Living during Covid-19 has been traumatic for many of us and has created a mental health crisis that is growing. The stress and trauma that is being reported has been compared to experiencing a natural disaster like an earthquake or a hurricane that seems to last forever. Psychologists suggest that we approach Covid-19 the same way we would a natural disaster. We should try to build up our coping strategies and develop new skills to allow ourselves to grow and develop during these difficult times.

Parent Survival Guide

As the pandemic rages on and schools continue to use hybrid and remote learning, many parents are having a hard time adapting to having their children home everyday. Many parents are reporting feelings of stress and anxiety not just from the pandemic itself, but also from parenting their children all day with little to no break. These feelings are normal and one of the best ways to adapt and help yourself is to build resilience. 

Resilience is best described as the ability to get knocked down by life and get back up stronger or just as strong as before. You can do this by not letting the difficulties of these traumatic events define you, but rather use them to build yourself up and move forward.

Resilience can be cultivated in many ways

  • Lean on the shoulders of your friends, family, and community. This is an important step in building your support system and is often an overlooked asset.

  • Focus on what you can control and not what you can’t. When stop focusing on the things you can’t change you start to notice and assess the things you can change.

  • Make new plans and learn to build a new habit for yourself. This could be improving a skill you already know or incorporating a new routine into your everyday life such as exercise or reading a book.

  • Speak to a licensed professional like a therapist or a counselor. This can be extremely helpful when you are feeling fragile or overwhelmed and can help you build resilience. is an excellent resource in finding a therapist or counselor.

  • A few everyday things you can do to build resilience are: getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising.

Though it will eventually pass, this pandemic has taken its toll on all of us. It’s important to remember that feeling burnt out and anxious is completely normal. If you feel you need to seek professional help, know that it is okay to do so.
